Whit and I were supposed to head to Atlanta for Labor Day Weekend, but as many of you know, he was sick. He is doing better now after returning to the doctor for the second time on Monday. I think that the second round of antibiotics finally helped to get rid of the fluid in his lungs and to started to make him feel better. So needless to say, since he was sick he didn't go with me to Atlanta. I felt bad leaving him at home alone while he was sick but my grandmother and grandfather were in town for the holiday weekend so I had to. Whit assured me that he was going to be fine. So I headed Northwest to Atlanta for the extra long weekend due to the furlough day. I headed up Friday after work and picked up Gary along the way. He flew the new helicopter to Cumming, GA of all places to have it re-finished. We then went to Mom's house for the night. He had to drive back to Charlotte the next day so I enjoyed time with Ma & John and the rest of the family including Haley. She is getting soooo big. We bonded watching the Appalachian State football game. Later on that evening, I hitched a ride with Gary's Co-Pilot, Todd to Charlotte. I went there for the night to see the twins who I hadn't seen since they were born. I met Gary, Mandy, Macy and Makayla for dinner and enjoyed feeding and snuggling with the sweet little girls. We hung out Sunday and enjoyed some bonding time then Gary and I headed back to Atlanta on Greg Biffle's jet. Gary had to fly the jet to Atlanta to pick Greg up after the race so I hitched a ride back with him. When we arrived at the airport, Sabrina, Clayton and Haley were all there to welcome us. Haley was beside herself when she saw the airplane. She has a fascination with airplanes, helicopters, etc. It is hilarious to watch her when she sees one flying in the sky.
After leaving the airport, we headed back to Mom's house to hang out with Ma & John before they took off on Monday morning. We enjoyed wine on the back deck while solving all of the world's problems. It was so nice to see Ma & John again and to catch up on what has been going on with them now that Ma is retired. They are becoming quite the little travelers these days!
Monday and Tuesday were spent hanging out with the Sheryl, Sabrina, Clayton, Haley, Mom and Jim. Ryan had to work so I didn't really get to see him except for a minute here and there. I will definitely have to spend more time with him next time. Tuesday afternoon, Mom and I picked Haley up from school and took her shopping. She was a little skeptical at first when we pulled up to her school in her mom's car and her mom wasn't there. Nonetheless, she still had a great time.
Once all of the fun had been had, it was time for me to drive the long road of Highway 16 back to Savannah. Since I have been home, things at work and home have been crazy. We are gearing up for our annual Halloween party so we are trying to clean the house, garage, etc so that people aren't grossed out when they come. With Whit being sick, things had to be delayed a little but we still have some time before it has to be done.
Whit and I are heading to the mountains for our 5 year anniversary on October 2nd and on the way, we are going to stop and spend some time with his family. I can't wait to see our nephew Wes. He is getting so big! He is playing soccer now and is going to start taking Tae-kwon-do lessons from Mr. Murphy, one of or best friends. I know that this sport will suit Wes well. He loves all of the Ninja moves and everything boy! He is so handsome and adorable!
Whit and I miss all of our nieces and nephews so much. It stinks being so far away from everyone but the pictures keep us going. We look forward to new pictures soon, Hint, Hint!!!!