I got out of the training a little early one day so I went and picked Haley up from daycare so that we could go shopping before Mom and Dad came home. Haley takes after her Mom, Aunts and Grandma...that girl loves to shop.
I was also able to get to spend some time with Wes and the rest of the Roberts family. Wow, Wes has grown up so fast. Talking to him is like talking to an adult. He is so smart and funny. We had a blast playing and talking about what he learning in school.
Jim and I went to see New Moon opening night and I was in awe! Such a good movie that I had to run and buy the books because I couldn't wait any longer to see what happened. The only problem was that I hadn't read the first two so I had to start there since I am a sequential person. So I am about a 1/3 of the way through the first one... a little slow but I will get there... hopefully before the 3rd movie comes out!
Once Mom got back in town we were able to spend some quality time together too. She, Jim and I went to see the Rockette's Christmas Spectacular at the Fabulous Fox theatre in Atlanta on Sunday night and had a great time! It was an amazing performance!
The week of Thanksgiving was spent getting ready for the big day and putting up Mom's Christmas tree. Joanne did an amazing job decorating the tree. She is so talented with that stuff!
Thanksgiving day was crazy as usual but we had a great time catching up with family that we don't get to see too often. Gary, Mandy, Macy & Makayla flew into the Gainesville airport to enjoy their 1st Thanksgiving. I cannot believe how fast they are growing up. They are so adorable and have great personalities. Their smiles will melt your heart!
Of course we also took part in the Annual Black Friday Shopping Trip. This year we mapped everything out the night before and decided where we were going, what we were getting at which stores and what time we would be there. It worked perfectly and we were able to get everything that we had set out to get! A very successful day for all of us. After our 10 hour shopping adventure, we met Jim, Gary, Mandy, Macy, Makayla, Whit, Clayton, and Haley for lunch at Chili's. Then we headed back to Mom and Jim's house to relax before we hit the Magical Nights of Lights at Lake Lanier Islands. Whit and I rode in the car with Haley, Sabrina and Clayton. We were so glad to be there to experience Haley as she was amazed at the lights. She kept saying "Look Miss"! It was adorable and I was eating up every second of that! She is so stinking cute!
I am looking forward to Christmas and spending more time with the family again. It is so fun to have children around during the Holidays! Hopefully one day, we will have some of our own to enjoy!

Finally....an update!!! I love it!